* Urban Terror Level *
Title : Downhill ice fight
Filename : ut_sled.bsp
Author : Dan Barrett aka FSK405 wily duck
Date : 6/24/2005
E-mail address : *********@****************.com
Homepage URL :
* Level Description *
I wanted a James Bond action thrill ride with a moving environment. Behold, the
snow covered mountain and snowboards to ride it: ut_sled. Both teams spawn at the
top of the mountain path, jumping from a chopper onto the thick snow. Although
each team can see the other, they are protected and spawn camping is not possible.
Once the player hits the hill, they begin a fast, intense ride around the curves
and edges. One-third of the way down, both teams collide in a brutal mixup. The
survivors will finish the slow, to find a final ramp which propels them into a
deep chasm. For CTF mode, you'll find flags at the bottom, and KOTH style play as
you defend your turf.
V2 update:
Removed team deathmatch spawns, because ctf players were spawning anywhere for
some unknown reason.
Single Player : Yes
Gamemodes : FFA, DM, CTF, TDM
Suggested player load : 12
New Textures : Yes
New Sounds : No
* Construction *
Map Base : New
Prefabs used : None
Mapobjects used : 3
Editor used : gtkradiant
Other utilities used : Photoshop6
Known Bugs : None
Compile machine : AMD2000XP, 1G RAM
BSP time : < 1 minute
VIS time : -
RAD time : ~1200
Total Brushes : 820
DM spawns : 16
CAH/CTF spawns : 16
CAH capturepoints : 0
Locations : 0
ut_koth - King of the Hill
superman_b3 - Urban Super Soldier, beta 3
ut_cahos_v2 - Capture and Hold Chaos
ut_deep - Deep Ocean
ut_temple2, in beta
Thanks to #urbanmappers, FSK405, and everyone else that has supported me! Thanks
as well go out to everyone who helped playtest the only pre-release, giving me
valuable feedback.
Credit to me! for coming up with these truly wacked ideas for levels.
Big credit and props to Lt1. Urban Terror wouldn't look as good as it does
without him.
Yeah default crap, see below :)
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
This map MAY NOT be sold, or in any other way turn into profit for any other
person than the author. This map MAY be distributed on any media as long as this
media is distributed freely without anyone having to pay for it.
This level is designed for the Quake 3 Total Conversion "Urban Terror" and is not
to be used, replicated or edited for any other Mod, Total Conversion, Game or
Game Engine.
File structure
↳ ut_sled.shader
↳ ut_sled_v2.arena
↳ box6.shader
↳ ut_sled_v2.tga
↳ box6
↳ box6/box6_bk.jpg
↳ box6/box6_up.jpg
↳ box6/box6_rt.jpg
↳ box6/box6_dn.jpg
↳ box6/box6_ft.jpg
↳ box6/box6_lf.jpg
↳ bspc.log
↳ bspc.exe
↳ 2-surface_compiler.bat
↳ ut_sled_v2.TGA
↳ bsp.exe
↳ ut_sled_v2.surface
↳ ut_sled_v2.aas
↳ ut_sled_v2.bsp
↳ 3-aas_botfile_generator.bat
↳ 1-surface_generator.bat
↳ 1-surface_definitions.txt
↳ mapobjects
↳ mapobjects/lt1_snowboard
↳ mapobjects/lt1_snowboard/blueboard.qc
↳ mapobjects/lt1_snowboard/redboard.md3
↳ mapobjects/lt1_snowboard/blueboard.md3
↳ mapobjects/lt1_snowboard/redboard.qc
↳ mapobjects/lt1_snowboard/redboard.jpg
↳ mapobjects/lt1_snowboard/blueboard.jpg
↳ duck_funmap_pack1
↳ duck_funmap_pack1/black_tex.jpg
↳ duck_funmap_pack1/snow.jpg