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Title : Proving Grounds
Map Filename : ut_pgrounds
Filename : ut_pgrounds.pk3
Release Date : 1/12/2002
Author : Dragonne{TRIAD}
Email Address : ********@*********.net
Homepage : http://www.clantriad.net/devteam
Urban Terror Homepage : http://www.urbanterror.net

Description : To put it simply, my internet was down for an evening and I needed something to do.
I was working on another map (ut_druglord, look for it in February!) and got a bit
stressed out on it, so I decided to make this simpla map that came to mind a while back.
It takes some inspiration from a map that was in ST:V Elite Force, but it is all new
construction. It's pretty much a training area for soldiers, more so than an urban map.
It plays well in all gametypes except CnH, and that's because there aren't enough areas
for capture points.
This was a fast build map (similar to the speed maps out there for Vanilla Q3) and only
took me 5 hours the first evening, adn around 3 hours after that for bug testing/fixing.

Additional Credits to :
id Software: For making Q3
Silicon Ice Development: For making Urban Terror and so strongly supporting the UT community.
The {TRIAD} DevTeam: For support and inspiration.
Various Clan {TRIAD} members: For playtesting and creative input.
QueenBee{TRIAD}: For being my wife and putting up with me (or in this case without me) while
I made this map under a deadline. I love you.
The public beta testers.

Info about the Author : I'm a typical Online Gaming Addict, NT/Win2k Systems Admin in Real Life™, Picky and a bit
Anal about things sometimes. I'm a perfectionist. I wish I could make better textures. :(

My Other Q3UT Levels : After Hours in the Mall (ut_afterhours), others soon to come!

Installation : Extract the .zip file to your q3ut2 folder. DO NOT just rename the .zip to
a .pk3 file, it will not work.

* PK3 File Information *

Map(.bsp) Name : ut_pgrounds
New Textures : a few color changes of existing textures
New Sounds : nope
New Music Track : nope

* Play Information *

Bot Support : Yeppers, and they go almost everywhere!
Deathmatch : Sure, the bots are tough on Nightmare or higher skill in this mode
Follow The Leader : Yup
Team Survivor : You betcha
Capture The Flag : Absolutely
Capture and Hold : nope

* Construction *

Base : From scratch, all original
Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant ver 1.1.2 Nightly
Other Prog(s) used : ydnar's q3map for compiling, PSP 6.0 for texture and image editing.
Known Bugs : none except that annoying CTF spawn thing
Build Time : about 8 hours total
Build Machine : PIII 1Ghz, 256MB
Compile machine : PIII 1Ghz, 256MB
Final Compile time : 15 minutes total

* Map/Creative Notes *

Ummmm, I built it to fast to think about this, except for the ST:V Elite Force map's inspiration.

* Other Info *

I have an extremely busy life between my wife, my job, running Clan {TRIAD}, upkeep of the clan's webpage, and
playing these games online. Somehow I still find time to do this time consuming creative map making stuff.
Ya know, someone could pay me to do these things in my spare time. (Please?) )

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels, and the geometry CANNOT be changed in any way. If you
wish to modify the entities for use with a non-standard CTF Mod,
please inform me be e-mail, just so I know it's out there in
other forms. Please retain this text file if you do.

You CAN create prefabs from this level though, just please give
ME the credit for the original construction!

This .pk3 may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS
systems(like these exist anymore) as long as the ORIGINAL(this)
text file is included in the .zip file.

You may NOT distribute this map/.pk3 file/.bsp file commercially
without my expressed WRITTEN permission. If you wish to include
this in a compilation of some form, have your people contact my
people and they'll talk, or just send me an e-mail and we'll talk. ;)

Arena file

map "ut_pgrounds"

longname "Proving Grounds"

type "ut_ffa ut_team ut_survivor ut_follow ut_ctf"

File structure

    ↳ ut_pgrounds.arena
    ↳ ut_pgrounds.shader
    ↳ ut_pgrounds.tga
    ↳ ut_pgrounds.bsp
    ↳ ut_pgrounds.aas
    ↳ ut_pgrounds
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/glassfx.tga
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/sign_discharge.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/fs_greybrick_rstripe.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/shiny3.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/brick_red.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/brick_blue.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/sign_rules.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/cement_blue.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/sign_safety.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/fs_greybrick_bstripe.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/gleam.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/tin_corrugated.tga
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/cement_red.jpg

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