Elite Force conversion by Lt. Cmdr. Salinga with permission of the author.
More converted Q3A maps here:
Following is the readme of the original Q3A map:
- File Information -------------------------------------------------------- 09.12.2003 ---
Title : Pacemaker
Filename : redq3dm1.pk3
Author : redfella
Email Address : *********@***.com
Web Site :
Previous Releases : none to date
Installation : To install, simply place redq3dm1.pk3 in your baseq3 directory.. wherever
you installed Quake3: Arena. The map should now be accessible via the
Multiplayer menu or by typing "\map redq3dm1" at the console (no quotes).
Acknowledgements : id for obvious reasons, SHEILD for putting up with the nagging newb
questions, Rorshach, all the guys @ TRAM, Birddawg, Digibob, ydnar, all
the guys from the q3world and splashdamage forums, kell, Hysteria, pointy,
and sock -die gamespy. ;) ...and HrO for making the great q3map2 toolz.
Beta Testers : thanks anwulf for the thorough review :)
- Play Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Player Base : Free-For-All, Team
Default Bots : Kyesk, Doom, Gorre, Razor, Wrack
Number of Players : 2-6
Item Load : SG, PG, RL, GL, Regen, Invis
- Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Base : New level from scratch
Texture Scheme : Egyptian?
Textures Sets : Rorshachs' Clockwork & Broken
Skybox : Kells' Dunes
Construction Time : ~70 hours or so (40 days)
Prefabs Used : None
Editor(s) used : GtkRadiant 1.2.11
Notes : 90%+ structural brushes... cause I'm lazy like that.
: This is the first map I have released to the public for any game. :)
- Compilation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q3Map VIS Time : 143 Mins
Q3Map LIGHT Time : 31 Mins
Lighting Params : -light -fast -bounce 4 -patchshadows -filter -super 2
Compile Computer : P4 2500mhz w/ HT, 1028 RAM, WinXP
- Copyright / Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------
Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.. but may do so to
learn construction methods and technique, etc.
Authors may use the included custom textures & shaders, or modifications thereof, provided
they give note of such in an attached readme. Also be sure to use directories and filenames
different than those in redq3dm1.pk3, or else you run the risk of having both maps excluded
from pure servers.
You MAY distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any electronic means, provided
you leave the contents unaltered and include this text file, also unaltered. This file may
not be commercially exploited in any way.
File structure
↳ redq3dm1.shader
↳ sky-dunes.shader
↳ redq3dm1.arena
↳ redq3dm1.jpg
↳ dunes
↳ dunes/dunes_lf.tga
↳ dunes/dunes_bk.tga
↳ dunes/dunes_dn.tga
↳ dunes/dunes_rt.tga
↳ dunes/dunes_up.tga
↳ dunes/dunes_ft.tga
↳ redq3dm1.aas
↳ redq3dm1.bsp
↳ liquids
↳ liquids/pool3d_5c.jpg
↳ liquids/pool3d_6c.jpg
↳ liquids/pool3d_3c.jpg
↳ redfella
↳ redfella/1r_thickpan02.tga
↳ redfella/3i_stairstep.tga
↳ redfella/3r_colrust01b.tga
↳ redfella/1r_squ_pan01.tga
↳ redfella/3r_mortrim03b.tga
↳ redfella/3r_lighthh01c.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metblock02b.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metpan01.tga
↳ redfella/1_th_trim01.tga
↳ redfella/1_th_trim06.tga
↳ redfella/3r_plaster02.tga
↳ redfella/1_rust_grill02.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metal2.tga
↳ redfella/1r_floor02.tga
↳ redfella/3i_sandstone_nobrick.tga
↳ redfella/1_banner01.tga
↳ redfella/3r_mortcol01.jpg
↳ redfella/1r_squ_pan04.tga
↳ redfella/3r_light03b_blend.tga
↳ redfella/3r_light01lb.tga
↳ redfella/1r_thickpan01.tga
↳ redfella/1r_metrim1.tga
↳ redfella/1_rust_grill01.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clock_fucked02.tga
↳ redfella/1_trim04.tga
↳ redfella/1r_metpan04.tga
↳ redfella/3r_colrust01c.tga
↳ redfella/3m_metflr_tiles.tga
↳ redfella/1r_squ_pan03b.tga
↳ redfella/3r_lighthh01c_blend.tga
↳ redfella/1r_metpan05b.tga
↳ redfella/1_rust_grill02b.tga
↳ redfella/1_banner02.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metall.tga
↳ redfella/3r_light03b.tga
↳ redfella/3i_floor.tga
↳ redfella/3r_light01c_blend.tga
↳ redfella/1r_yuk_sup01.tga
↳ redfella/3r_lighthh01b_blend.tga
↳ redfella/1r_watmarker01.tga
↳ redfella/3i_sand.tga
↳ redfella/1r_thinpan03.tga
↳ redfella/3i_sandstone.tga
↳ redfella/1r_squ_pan04b.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clocktrim01.tga
↳ redfella/1_th_trim05.tga
↳ redfella/3i_glyff_column.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clockfoorblah.tga
↳ redfella/1r_metwl02.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metblock01l.tga
↳ redfella/3r_light01b.tga
↳ redfella/1_th_trim04.tga
↳ redfella/3r_lighthh01b.tga
↳ redfella/3i_crust.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metblock02.tga
↳ redfella/1r_squ_pan03.tga
↳ redfella/dunes.jpg
↳ redfella/3i_sand_hiero_indent.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clocktrim02b.tga
↳ redfella/1r_trim02.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clocktrim03b.tga
↳ redfella/1_banner03.tga
↳ redfella/1r_floor.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metblock01.tga
↳ redfella/3r_mortrim02b.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clock_teeth01.tga
↳ redfella/3r_steps01.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clocktrim03.tga
↳ redfella/1r_metrim1b.tga
↳ redfella/1r_clocktrim02.tga
↳ redfella/3r_mort03b.jpg
↳ redfella/3r_light01c.tga
↳ redfella/3i_sand2.tga
↳ redfella/3r_metblock03.tga
↳ redfella/1_jumppad.tga
↳ redfella/3p_brick03b.jpg