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Title : Filtration (Water Treatment Facility) for UT4
Map Filename : ut4_Filtration
Filename : ut4_Filtration.pk3
Release Date : ??/??/2008
Author(s) : Dragonne{TRIAD}
Email Address : ********@*********.net
Homepage : http://www.clantriad.net
Urban Terror Homepage : http://www.urbanterror.net

Description : The city's Water Treatment Facility is under attack! Stop them from sabotaging the facility, or worse yet
contaminating the water.

Additional Credits to : id Software: For making Q3
Silicon Ice Development/Frozen Sand LLC: For making Urban Terror and so strongly supporting the UT community.

Other Contributors :

Info about the Author : I'm a typical Online Gaming Addict, Software Developer in Real Life™, Picky
and a bit anal about things sometimes. I'm a perfectionist. I STILL wish I could make better
textures. :(

Installation : Extract the .zip file to your q3ut4 folder. DO NOT just rename the .zip to
a .pk3 file, it will not work.

* PK3 File Information *

Map(.bsp) Name : ut4_Filtration
New Textures : many
New Sounds : yup
New Music Track : does anyone listen to map music?

* Play Information *

Bot Support : really, is there a point? They're there anyway.
Deathmatch : Sure
Follow The Leader : Yup
Team Survivor : You betcha
Capture The Flag : w00t!
Capture and Hold : Go for it!
Bomb : Yes, but the elevator is broken. It should work fine if SID/FS ever fixes it.

* Construction *

Base : From scratch, all original
Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant ver 1.2.6, updated on GTKRadiant 1.4.0
Other Prog(s) used : q3map2_fs_20g (thanks woekele and Hobbes!) for compiling, PSP 6.0 and PS 5.0 for texture and image editing.
Known Bugs : none map-specific
Build Time : about 380 original hours, update about 6 hours total
Build Machine : P4 3.4Ghz, 1.5GB
Compile machine : P4 3.4Ghz, 1.5GB
Final Compile time : 15mins total (floodlight rules!)

* Map/Creative Notes *

Just play it!!! )

If you would like any prefabs made from this map, contact Dragonne.

* Other Info *

Nothing of any consequence.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels, and the geometry CANNOT be changed in any way. If you
wish to recreate this level for another game or mod, please
inform me be e-mail, just so I know it's out there in other
forms, and I might even help. Please retain this text file if you do.

This .pk3 may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS
systems(like these exist anymore) as long as the ORIGINAL(this)
text file is included in the .zip file.

You may NOT distribute this map/.pk3/.bsp file commercially
without my expressed WRITTEN permission. If you wish to include
this in a compilation of some form, have your people contact my
people and they'll talk, or just send me an e-mail and we'll talk. ;)

Arena file

map "ut4_filtration"

longname "Filtration"

type "ut_ffa ut_team ut_survivor ut_follow ut_cah ut_ctf ut_bomb"

File structure

    ↳ ut4_filtration.arena
    ↳ water_spray.shader
    ↳ ut_filtration.shader
    ↳ ut_pgrounds.shader
    ↳ ut_filtration
    ↳ ut_filtration/lift-stop.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/door-mv.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/lift-run.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/flushed.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/door-cl.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/elev-start.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/elev-door-cl.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/filters.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_outside.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/waterfall.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/elev-move.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/door-st.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_pump.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/water.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/blurp.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/elev-ding.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/elev-door-mv.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/elev-door-op.wav
    ↳ ut_filtration/lift-start.wav
    ↳ ut4_filtration.tga
    ↳ ut4_filtration.TGA
    ↳ ut4_filtration.bsp
    ↳ ut4_filtration.aas
    ↳ nsh
    ↳ nsh/grate1.jpg
    ↳ cow7
    ↳ cow7/cow_elevator_buttons.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror5
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    ↳ urban_terror5/fs_powerbox1_side_l.jpg
    ↳ urban_walls
    ↳ urban_walls/cementwall_btm2wrn.jpg
    ↳ urban_misc
    ↳ urban_misc/fs_supercomp01_top.jpg
    ↳ urban_misc/fs_supercomp01_keys.jpg
    ↳ urban_misc/fs_supercomp05_front.jpg
    ↳ urban_misc/fs_supercomp06_front.jpg
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    ↳ urban_misc/fs_supercomp08_front.jpg
    ↳ urban_misc/fs_supercomp07_front.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror7
    ↳ urban_terror7/ut_concrete1.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror7/ut_brick6.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror7/ut_concrete8.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror7/ut_brick4_gradient_h.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration
    ↳ ut_filtration/metal_pipe-fittings.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/metal_warning.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_rough1.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_plain1.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/marble_red-gry-vein.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/whitetile.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/granite_new.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/marble_dk-brn.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/woodfloor_narrow.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/skybox.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/fogcloud2.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/light_ceiling.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_move2.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/spraycloud1.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/concrete_stripe.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/fogcaulk.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/filters.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/floor_metal01d.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/spray.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/truefence.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_dirtywhite.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_move4.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_move3.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_move5.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_plain2.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/env
    ↳ ut_filtration/env/cybortech512_bk.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/env/cybortech512_ft.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/env/cybortech512_dn.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/env/cybortech512_lf.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/env/cybortech512_rt.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/env/cybortech512_up.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/bridgerroadtop.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_rough2.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/metal_plate.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_plain-red.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/water_move1.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/gauge2.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_plain.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/cinder_block-stained.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/black_shine.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/stair_top.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/gauge3.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/digitherm.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/metal1.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/brick39a.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/whitelight.jpg
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    ↳ ut_filtration/marble-brick_red-brn.tga
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    ↳ ut_filtration/ceiling.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/bubbles.tga
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    ↳ ut_filtration/chain.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/outsign.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/cinder_block.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/concrete-smear.jpg
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    ↳ ut_filtration/brick-blue.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/sign_alpha.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/rewood-door-fr-rev.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/metallight-scratch.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/marble-tile_dk-brn.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/metal_pipes.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/concrete.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/tile1.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/gauge.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/pspbrwse.jbf
    ↳ ut_filtration/marble-tile_gry-wht-vein.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/rewood-door-fr.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/bubbles_foam.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_linecrete.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/metal_pipe-floor.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/floor_metal01d-messy.tga
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_plain-blue.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/watercaulk.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/ceiling1.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/sluice_bottom.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/light_ceiling_blend.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/fog.tga
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    ↳ ut_filtration/th_whitebrick.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/sign_signin.tga
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    ↳ ut_filtration/beam_misty.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/drill_top.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/th_plain2-dk.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/metal_rusty.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/sign_beta.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/velvet_rope.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/spraycloud2.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/floor_tile.jpg
    ↳ ut_filtration/door_red.tga
    ↳ evils_textures4
    ↳ evils_textures4/tfloorhex_big.jpg
    ↳ evils_textures4/dwtrim_fade.jpg
    ↳ evils_textures4/d_tech_wall_drkm.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror
    ↳ urban_terror/concre2.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/bricks1.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/Building.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/crete40.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/construct2c.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/ladderclip.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/bricks3.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/concrete2.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/CONCRETE.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/floor6.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror/crete32b.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/light_industrial_01d_blend.tga
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/light_spot_01d.jpg
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/light_industrial_02d_blend.tga
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/light_industrial_01d.tga
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/light_industrial_02d.tga
    ↳ ut_pgrounds/light_spot_01d_blend.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror2
    ↳ urban_terror2/wood3.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror2/metal_bright.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror2/WOOD_F.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror2/metal.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror2/WOOD1.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror2/swood.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror2/tile5.jpg
    ↳ wetwired
    ↳ wetwired/ww-painting04.jpg
    ↳ wetwired/fs_walltiles_01.jpg
    ↳ wetwired/fs_tiles_floor01.jpg
    ↳ wetwired/ww-painting03.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror3
    ↳ urban_terror3/wu_metalplate.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror3/mrc_metaldark.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror3/concrete_dark.jpg
    ↳ urban_terror3/wu_locker.jpg
    ↳ sfx
    ↳ sfx/beam.jpg

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