
 Download ut4_clinic_b3


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* Urban Terror Level *
Title : Derelict
Original Author : Shaun "Solitary" ?
Updating Author : Steven "Delirium" Krzanich
Date Released : 08-05-2020
Contact : ************@*****.com

* Level Description *
This is an old project of Solitary's which was started some time back in ~2010
I think... don't quote me on that..

Solitary released a version of this in 2012 called ut4_hospital_a4 - previous to
this release he had asked me to take over the project however I was on my way
out of the community and didn't have the time.

Alas, 8-10 years later. Del is back and after releasing Derelict I thought I
may as awell finish this beast up too.

Original layout still stands, with my modified tweaks on sizes, new routes and
Lighting, textures, shaders, sounds have all been replaced and detailing/vis
has been redone.

The map did originally resemble a hospital, but some other cunt released a
horid looking thing called ut4_hospital_b1 so we had to rename to something
else. Now the map resembles some kind of A&E Clinic, which has been abandonded?

I also made a custom skybox for this, which I'm proud of - the turnpike skybox
with an alphamapped cloud layer, along with a _skybox entity giving you the
closer buildings/hospital.

Enjoy guys, thanks for still playing this game after all these years :)

PS: Shoot the lamp in Main Street on the far left of the street for a nice
easter egg.
Bot Compatibility : Yes - they will have issues getting out of spawn in bomb mode
one or 2 FFA spawns will have issues moving from spawn (behind a func_wall)

Suggested player load : 8-12
FFA spawns : 18 total
TS spawns : 10 per team
BOMB spawns : 10 per team
CTF / TDM / CAH spawns : 16 per team

* Construction *
Compile Switches : BSP -threads 16 -meta -samplesize 16 -v
: VIS -threads 16 -vis -hint -saveprt -v
: LIGHT -threads 16 -light -bounce 13 -gamma 1.225 -shade -patchshadows -nocollapse -pointscale 1.09 -samplesize 16 -samples 2 -super 1 -v
: BSPC -threads 16 -forcesidesvisible -noliquids -optimize

Compile time : BSP 5 seconds
: VIS 2 seconds
: LIGHT 156 minutes

Editor used : GTKRadiant 1.4
Compile machine : Intel i9-9900k @ 3.6GHz, 16GB DDR4

* OTHER LEVELS BY Delirium *
Christmas (DEC2008)
Barsketbrawl (JAN2009)
Barn (AUG2009)
Tohunga (OCT2009)
Facade (MAR2010)
Cambridge (JUL2011)
Oaks (NOV2011)
Derelict (MAR2020)
Clinic (MAY2020)

Solitary : Original map designer
BlackRayne : Heaps of models, MIA since 2010 :,(
$NulL : Good ol mate NulL, top bloke - textures and knowledge
Hyperz : For hosting this map on PUGbot.net
Biddle : Testing + Feedback
Shans : Testing + Feedback
Blake : Testing + Feedback
Swiiitan : Quality Feedback - he gave a lot of indepth feedback and was the
inspriation for the major layout changes around cafe/lift/bed/piano room

Anyone else I forgot that should be on this list :)

Eat your hearts out, It's a free world baby! Feel free to reuse this map however
you please.
For any game, any UrT version - if you are reading this you have my written
permission to do so.

I've included the .map file in the .pk3, along with all(hopefully) models that
I used in the map.

Please contact me if you ever use this :) I'll be stoked to see it what ever
comes from it.

I will also state, that any of my previous maps are also free to use for all.
This superseeds any previous readme.txt file or any other previous statements
made by Delirium(me). All of previous my maps are free to for all to use.
Contact me if you require any source files. ************@*****.com

Get Legit and Dip!

Arena file

map "ut4_clinic_b3"

longname "Clinic b3 ~ By Delirium & Solitary"

type "ut_ffa ut_team ut_survivor ut_follow ut_cah ut_ctf ut_bomb ut_ft ut_gungame"

File structure

    ↳ zzzzz_clinic_jeep.shader
    ↳ zzzzz_clinic_ambulance.shader
    ↳ clinic_fire.shader
    ↳ zzzzz_clinic_mattress.shader
    ↳ ut4_clinic_b3.arena
    ↳ zzzzz_clinic_bmw.shader
    ↳ clinic.shader
    ↳ zzzzz_clinic_copcar.shader
    ↳ codey1
    ↳ codey1/pwrstation1.wav
    ↳ delirium
    ↳ delirium/BrockBerrigan-CrossingPaths.wav
    ↳ delirium/city_traffic2.wav
    ↳ delirium/factory_1.wav
    ↳ delirium/city_traffic.wav
    ↳ delirium/lifbell.wav
    ↳ ut4_clinic_b3_2.jpg
    ↳ ut4_clinic_b3.jpg
    ↳ turnpike
    ↳ turnpike/tp_sky2_dn.jpg
    ↳ ut4_clinic_b3.bsp
    ↳ ut4_clinic_b3.aas
    ↳ ut4_clinic_b3.TGA
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    ↳ del_table/del_table.ase
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    ↳ aadel_clinic/del2_decal10.jpg
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    ↳ aadel_clinic/Wallpaper62_2_ab.jpg
    ↳ aadel_clinic/decal_dirt.jpg
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    ↳ ut_subway
    ↳ ut_subway/aerhcrete05_seam02_bump01_varied03.tga
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    ↳ ut_subway/aerhtile02_b.jpg
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    ↳ aadel_turnpike/skybuilding_2.jpg
    ↳ aadel_turnpike/skybuilding_10.jpg
    ↳ eagle
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    ↳ shaderlab
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    ↳ shaderlab/concrete-4_b.jpg
    ↳ null_train
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    ↳ null_train/window_broken_1.jpg
    ↳ null_train/pavement_trim_1_b.jpg
    ↳ null_train/window_broken_6_n.tga
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    ↳ null_train/window_broken_6.jpg
    ↳ null_train/window_broken_4.jpg
    ↳ null_train/window_broken_5.jpg
    ↳ null_train/window_wood_broken1.jpg
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    ↳ null_train/window_wood_broken3.jpg
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    ↳ null_train/door_garage_blue.jpg
    ↳ null_train/metal_blue.jpg
    ↳ null_train/roof_slates_2.jpg
    ↳ null_train/concretenoteroded_n.tga
    ↳ null_train/wall019.jpg
    ↳ null_train/window_broken_7.jpg
    ↳ null_train/window_wood_broken4.jpg
    ↳ null_train/door_wood_blue.jpg