* Urban Terror Level *
Title : Pacman
Filename : ut_pacman.bsp
Author : Dan Barrett aka FSK405 wily duck
Date : 1/22/2006
E-mail address : *********@****************.com
Homepage URL :
* Level Description *
In a lull of working in my map superman, I had been scheming up the idea of
making a pacman map. I love pacman, clean, crisp, simple gameplay. I took
the design straight off game.
You legal boys over at Namco, if you're really concerned about "using the image"
and whatnot, I've got a game design for a new pacman that I guarantee will bring
in a new and existing base of fans, that Namco would appreciate in revenue
dollars. The levelshot (startup image is levelshots/ut_pacman.tga) is the only
clue I've left in the map to my motivation.
To the gamers, play on. I've done what I can to preserve the gameplay of pacman
and the speed of Urban Terror. Interestingly enough, I find ut_pacman would make
a great Team Survivor map. Don't forget it's Capture and Hold ready too!
Lastly, as yet another gift to the community, the map source file has been
included. I thought about doing level 2, 3, and so on. I could do a Ms. Pacman
map too. Or you. Be sure to watch the spacial distances I used. This is one
thing I took a lot of care in making sure I replicated the original to it's
true form. The minimap is a result of the perfection I attempted to find...
Only the icons were added to the minimap (and an edges filter). Watch out
for entity errors... I couldn't get any more entities into the map due to
Quake3 crashing with a max_submodels exceeded error. Thus, no cherries, no
ghosts. Quite disappointing. Don't forget each dot is an entity... Quake3 isn't
really made for stuff like that. So I do it anyway. :)
Single Player : Yes
Gamemodes : FFA, DM, CTF, TDM, TS, CAH
Suggested player load : 12
New Textures : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
* Construction *
Map Base : New/borrowed
Prefabs used : None
Mapobjects used : None
Editor used : gtkradiant
Other utilities used : Photoshop CS
Known Bugs : None. Rereleased map to fix bugs.
Compile machine : AMD2000XP, 1G RAM
BSP time : < 1 minute
VIS time : < 1 minute
RAD time : < 1 minute
Total Brushes : 521
DM spawns : 12
CAH/CTF spawns : 12
CAH capturepoints : 5
Locations : 1
ut_koth - King of the Hill
superman_b3 - Urban Super Soldier, beta 3
ut_cahos_v2 - Capture and Hold Chaos
ut_sled - Mountainpath Struggle
ut_temple2, in beta
ut_deep - 1000 foot underwater fight
Thanks go out to the man behind the original pacman, and to the mod team that
came up with Ms. Pacman (wayyyyyy back in the day). Thanks to my cousin for
inadvertantly getting me to like Ms. Pacman. Thanks to the guys in
FSK405 TeamSpeak for giving me motivation.
Stated here officially. Any map I have previously released with a .map source
file MAY be used to generate new basemaps, learn from, modify, use in any
engine. I forgot to take out some sentences in earlier maps. I want you to
learn and use my material to further your level design experience. Few to
no mappers release their source files. This is all free, so my concern about
Intellectual Property is quite small. Map on!
This map MAY NOT be sold, or in any other way turn into profit for any other
person than the author. This map MAY be distributed on any media as long as this
media is distributed freely without anyone having to pay for it.
File structure
↳ ut_pacman.shader
↳ ut_pacman.arena
↳ ut_pacman
↳ ut_pacman/start.wav
↳ ut_pacman/power.wav
↳ ut_pacman/eat.wav
↳ ut_pacman/1up.wav
↳ ut_pacman/fruit.wav
↳ ut_pacman.tga
↳ ut_pacman
↳ ut_pacman/sky_dn.jpg
↳ ut_pacman/sky_lf.jpg
↳ ut_pacman/sky_bk.jpg
↳ ut_pacman/sky_rt.jpg
↳ ut_pacman/sky_up.jpg
↳ ut_pacman/sky_ft.jpg
↳ ut_pacman.aas
↳ ut_pacman.TGA
↳ ut_pacman.bsp
↳ ut_pacman
↳ ut_pacman/cherry.tga
↳ ut_pacman/ghost3.tga
↳ ut_pacman/pacmanshot.gif
↳ ut_pacman/ghost4.tga
↳ ut_pacman/pacdot.tga
↳ ut_pacman/pacman_dot.tga
↳ ut_pacman/ghost1.tga
↳ ut_pacman/black floor.jpg
↳ ut_pacman/pacman_floor.tga
↳ ut_pacman/pacman_wall.tga
↳ ut_pacman/ghost2.tga