
 Download ut_casabeta05


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February 02 2021 07:35:30


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This beta now supports all gametypes & I would be grateful for feedback on how it plays in all of them (although there seems to be a bug in UrT whereby DM spawns are being used in TDM, so expect odd spawns in that gametype). The other major change is the SE corner which has been updated. Please delete or disable ut_casabeta02and03.pk3 and ut_casabeta04.pk3 to avoid potential problems with shaders.

Stuff to do/Known Issues

-Fix bots which are borked atm (possibly they're confused by func_walls, but I'm not sure)
-Decorate, light and texture interiors (none of which are properly done yet)
-Do some more hinting and optimising
-Fix a doorstep which I accidentally made a func_wall (has no effect on gameplay)
-Make new skybox
-Tweak lighting


-Updated FFA,TDM & FTL Spawns
-Added C&H Support
-Changed the SE corner, making it outdoors rather than indoors to match the rest of the map better and give players a bit more elbow room
-Did a bit more optimizing


-Added CTF spawn rooms to distance spawns from flags
-Fixed z-fighting in wall by alley timbers
-Fixed z-fighting on posters by splitting walls
-Fixed z-fighting on wall by alley timbers
-Fixed z-fighting on shutters by splitting walls
-Fixed last disappearing roof (nr market)
-Func grouped some arches to fix lighting on them
-Split walls to remove z-fighting round several door frames
-Caulked some stuff
-Fixed alignment of gate and fence by market
-Reduced radius of southern bomb site
-Fixed clip brush on weapon crates at southern bomb site
-Added missing weapon crate texture to pk3


-Added new route linking south of map to southeast. This is intended for CTF and Bomb mode, and will be locked off for TS. (The inside of the buildings on the new route haven't had much detail added yet. If we decide to keep the route, I'll go back and tart them up a bit).
-Changed positions of flags and CTF spawns. Each team now has 3 immediate routes away from their flag. The east and south of the map which were formerly largely unused in CTF should see more action.
-Changed position of 1 bombsite and bomb mode spawns. Both bomb sites are now equidistant from spawns to encourage variety. Blue can get to either site about 4 seconds before red.


-Removed skybrushes which were causing buildings to flicker in and out of sight. (I did miss one, though, and didn't notice until after compiling, but I'll fix that in another release).
-Hinted map to compensate for increased visibility (r_speeds now peak around 10k but are usually much less than that)
-Partially caulk-hulled and optimised map (this reduced vis data by around 40%, although part of that improvement was cancelled out by hinting)
-Replaced all tree models with newer versions whose leaves don't disappear when seen from a distance
-Added clip brushes to trees (this means you can now stand on top of some trees (feedback needed on whether this is good or bad for play)
-New skybox to match position of sun. This is still under construction: I've only really started on the view of the beach, eventually I want to improve the mountains too.
-Aligned textures on just about all patch caps (on arches etc)
-Fixed z-fighting on posters (unfortunately Q3's sorting isn't entirely error-free, so there are a couple of points from where you can now see posters through another wall. I'll fix this in a future build by splitting up the walls the posters lie on. Ditto for the z-fighting on some shutters in 16 bit mode).
-Fixed z-fighting on buildings with sloping window insets
-Fixed z-fighting by arches near fountain
-Func-grouped wall above arches near fountain to prevent light bleeding through ceiling
-Caulked mid section of broken walls to prevent z-fighting
-Removed crack of visible caulk from grass area by patio
-Removed visible caulk from side of stairway at end of path running under bridge
-Aligned textures on back of shutters by market and old alley
-Aligned textures on gates
-Edited flat trees texture to prevent sudden cutoff at edges
-Adjusted texture alignment on some hanging vegetation
-Moved market mob noise so sound is coming from out of sight
-Fixed texture alignment on underside of roofs & on top of roof overlooking New Alley
-Tweaked location tags and added new ones
-Added a load of botclip and clip brushes
-Edited minimap to (hopefully) make it a bit clearer

Arena file

map "ut_casabeta05"
longname "Casa beta 05"
type "ut_ffa ut_team ut_survivor ut_follow ut_cah ut_ctf ut_bomb"


File structure

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