Terror At Ingenix by DJ Schuby
email: ***********@*****.com
youtube: dj_schuby04
twitter: @djschuby
If you are reading this, then you must be curious about ut4_ingenix. Hopefully this document will tell you everything you want to know about it. If you have any questions about the map that aren't answered here, please feel free to email me. Seriously, If I get an email like 10 years from now and it's someone asking about the map, I'd be happy to respond. My email address is ***********@*****.com I've had this address for quite a long time and I don't plan on ditching it anytime soon, so you should always be able to contact me there.
ut4_ingenix is named after a real company called Ingenix. Ingenix is a company that basically manages data centers for United Healthcare/ United Health Group. One of those data centers is located in Lenexa, Kansas where I live.
A couple of good friends of mine used to work at Ingenix, actually one of them still does. When my friends would be working the night shift, they were generally the only 2 people in the building except for maybe a janitor or a security guard that might show up and drive around the building every couple of hours. Well those night shifts got to be kind of boring for my friends, so one night they invited me to come up and hang out with them in the command center. (yes, the little room with all the computers that's attached to the server room in the map)
To make a long story short, from that point on, I was often hanging out up there late at night, and we ended up having quite a few 3 player lan parties. One of my friends used to smoke, and he would do it out on a balcony we could go out on (yes the same balcony on the top floor of the map). Well one night while we were talking on the balcony, I said something about how awesome it would be if there was an urban terror map of Ingenix, and finally about a year later I decided I was going to learn how to make urban terror maps.
In this section I will give more specific information about a few things worth mentioning about the map.
The minimap may be hard to read, but that's because there are 3 different levels stacked on top of eachother. I've tried to make it easier to read by color coordinating each of the 3 levels. The basement level (lowest level) is green. The Lobby and the outside area (ground level) is red. The top floor and balcony (highest level) is blue. These colors also coordinate with the colors of location messages used in radio calls and team chat messages. The minimap should be a little easier to use this way. I know it's still kind of hard, but once you learn your way around you won't be bothered by it.
I also color coded the locations that are displayed when using radio calls and team chat messages, to help players determine which level they are on, or which level their teammates are on. Basement locations will be displayed in green text. Ground level locations will be displayed in red text. Top floor locations will be displayed in Blue text. These colors also coordinate with the colors on the minimap.
The Blue flag is located in the stopped elevator in the basement. The red flag is located in the cubicles on the top floor.
Both bomb sites are on the ground floor. One of them is in the mail room, the other is in the security office.
I borrowed the vent cover texture/shader from ut4_facade by Delerium. I hope it's ok that I did this. It's been so long since I started the map that I don't remember how I got it. I think I asked about how to make a vent cover you can see through on the forums and that Del said it was ok to use his. I'm not sure though since it was so long ago when I started the map. ---**NOTE**---
I have since removed the vent covers from ut4_facade and replaced them with a few brushes to make them look like bars. This is good enough for me I guess. I couldn't figure out how to edit the shader file to allow bullets to pass through Del's vent covers, so I decided to just remove them. I think it will work better this way.
Elevator music: Chopin - Nocturne
Chris' office: Lonely Island - Like A Boss
Command center/server room phone call: All except for the phone ringing, the dialtone and the phone number being dialed, all the speech sounds from here are from the movie Hackers. It's a super ghetto 90's movie with Angelina Jolie. I extracted the audio from the movie, and edited it to make it sounds like someone in the command center is talking with some people over the phone. I got the dialtone sound from the internet, recorded one of the ringers for my cell phone, and actually used a DTMF generator to create the phone number that is dialed.
Lobby security office: I'm 99% sure that all of these police radio sounds are from the sound library. I'm talking about that massive sound library that folly artists use in movies and tv. Anyway, it's actually a soundfile I borrowed from Grand Theft Auto 2, which I believe you can now download for free from the rockstar website.
Basement security office: This is a file I threw together in a few minutes. The sounds are mostly from the super old original pc version of Rainbow Six. Other sounds are from another game called Emergency 2, and from the Sublime song, April 26th 1992.
There are 2 easter eggs in the map. Since you're cool enough to read the readme, I'll consider you to be a cool person and I'll tell you.
One of the easter eggs is at the top of the south stairwell. You'll need to spectate to see it. A "sparkle" is Ingenix slang for hacker or attack, or major problem, and generally when there is a "sparkle", whoever is in the command center starts a "war room" by calling upper level people on the phone.
The other easter egg is actually in one of the sound files. If you hang out in the command center and listen to the sound file, a guy gets a phone call about a hacker, then about 30 seconds later, he makes a phone call to inform someone of the hacker. The easter egg here is that the phone number you hear being dialed is actually the real phone number of the Ingenix command center, and if you call it the phones in the command center will ring. I won't tell you what that number is but I bet if you really want to know, you can figure it out.
I have returned to UrT after a long hiatus, and I'm getting back into mapping! Added bot support.
Been a few days since I've updated the readme file, but here's what's new.
The map is basically complete now. I finished the top floor, and the outside of the building. Also created a minimap (with the help of my wife who knows how to use photoshop), and I am about to create an arena file that will allow the map to be found in the voting menu and in the start server menu. Added a whole bunch of spawns, support for CTF, and for bomb mode. That's pretty much a short summary of what I've done since I last updated this file.
Got a lot of work done on the top floor. Finished the server room and the command center, added cubicle area to top floor, added balcony to top floor (balcony has a ladder that takes you down to the ground level outside the building), added office to the top floor (with a soundfile, "Like a Boss" by Lonely Island), Finished ventilation shaft (you can get to the top floor in the vent shaft now). It's also worth mentioning that I added walls and breakable windows to the top floor, and touched up on all the door textures everywhere in the map. That covers about everything for today. Map will be complete really soon!
-DJ Schuby
Got a lot done today! Added security radio sounds to both security offices (in the basement and in the lobby). Added exit signs near the entrances to the stairwells in the basement and lobby. Added a few more models here and there. Added doors at both ends of the lobby elevator hallway, they allow you to go outside. Added to the ventilation shaft, so you can now travel down to the basement and get out there.
Started work on the top floor. Command center has computer models inside, also has a phone call sound file and yes it's from the movie hackers.
I'm sure I've forgotten a few things I did today, but I think this mostly covers the stuff I got done.
I will soon be finishing the top floor, and will finish the outside of the building.
-DJ Schuby
Holy shit! Almost 2 years later and I'm finally getting back to work. Hope I haven't forgotten much since I started this. Anyway, since the first version, I have added cables that are climbable to the top of the elevator, crates and player clip at the top of the stairs to keep players from going where they shouldn't, also changed the color of the sides of the elevator control panel, made a concrete texture so you can go outside the building, and I'm pretty sure I lowered the elevator music volume. It was too loud before and you could hear it from far away. Hopefully I'll have this map completed before long
-DJ Schuby
This is the first version of the map I am packaging. I am only doing this to show off current progress to my clanmates. There's still a lot that needs to be done.
I haven't made a lot of maps and actually ut4_ingenix is my first major map. Hopefully I'll make some more maps soon, and hopefully they'll be fun maps to play. Anyway, here's some other maps I have made
ut4_djsde - DJ Schuby's Digital Empire Training Area
This is the first playable map I made. It's not too bad for 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 but this map is really nothing special. There is a nice surprise in the basement of this map though.
ut4_wolfenstein - Wolfenstein 3D
This is a fairly decent map I made in about a week. It's really not done yet as I need to fix a few bugs and change some of the construction a little bit. This map is actually kind of fun since all the textures and sounds are from Wolfenstein 3D. Man I loved that game! Even has a couple of secret doors that have Negav machine guns behind them, and some music from the game. CTF is really fun if you have a large group of people.
Yeah I really doubt that I need to add this section here but since everyone else has one I guess I should too. I would be pissed off if someone else jacked my map and used it to make money.
Anyway, uhh I'm no lawyer but I'm sure this is enough to get the point across.
Play my map, have fun with it, feel free to distribute it, but don't sell it, or use it for any way to make money.
If you want to convert my map for use in another game, Email me and ask my permission first. I'll probably say yes if you're nice :)
Well this is the end. I had so much fun working on ut4_ingenix that it's kind of sad to be finishing this readme file. Thanks for reading it by the way. It's probably boring as shit, but I appreciate it. Also thanks for playing the map. Like I said before in the welcome section, Feel free to email me if you have any questions about the map or if you just want to say hello. I hope you all enjoy playing ut4_ingenix.
I have a youtube channel actually, my youtube username is dj_schuby04. I have some urban terror videos on there if you want to take a look. If you have any demos of fun gameplay on ut4_ingenix, send me the demos and I'll make a video with them. Or if you want, you can make the video, but I'd just love to know that other people are having fun playing ut4_ingenix.
If you have twitter you can also follow me there. My twitter account is @djschuby.
Well I guess that's it for now. Thanks again for reading, and playing, and remember to watchout for those sparkles!
-DJ Schuby