
 Download ut4_evil_circus_rc2


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Title : Evil Circus (not quite final)
Map Filename : ut4_evil_circus
Filename : ut4_evil_circus_rc2
Release Date :
Author(s) : John Stevenson (aka JohnnyEnglish, neep!)
Email Address : ****@*************.co.uk
Homepage :
Urban Terror Homepage :

Description : A slightly evil circus

Additional Credits to : id Software: For making Q3 Silicon Ice Development/Frozen Sand LLC: For making Urban Terror and so strongly supporting the UT community.
Other Contributors : Picola, my most patient girlfriend - who doesn't really enjoy mapping.
: Various online repositories for base textures and base sounds.
: Thanks also to MTC (multigames team collectif) for play testing my maps

Info about the Authors : JohnnyEnglish - getting a little bit better with every map - this is my 5th complete map.

Installation : Burn your shoes and then eat a trifle. After that drop this into your q3ut4 folder and play from start server.

* PK3 File Information *

Map(.bsp) Name : ut4_evil_circus
New Textures : 100% new textures - except for a couple I need to check this for credits.
New Sounds : Mostly sampled from other tracks.
Music Track : "Evil Circus" by Statoon - recommended by ObScUrE from the URT forum - very nice thank you
Models : Thanks to Blackrayne studios for various small items of bathroom furniture, meat socks lol, they fit well into this map.
Bumpy : Map has been created with normal maps. No .rad file because I cannot get pleasing results with my current degree of knowlege.

All other models created by myself (JohnnyEnglish) using Radiant, blender or Misfit Model 3d.

* Play Information *

Bot Support : Full bot support.
Deathmatch : Yes
Last Man Standing : Yes
Follow The Leader : Yes
Team Survivor : Yes
Capture The Flag : Yes
Capture and Hold : No
Bomb : Yes
Jump Training : Not really

* Construction *

Base : This map was based on the competition template created by Mindriot. All other portions were built from scratch.
Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant 1.6 - various versions of q3map2
Other Prog(s) used : terragen, gimp, ffmpeg (for video), Misfit Model 3d, blender

* Map/Creative Notes *

Map idea came from a series of evil circus posters by Mariano Villalba, check out his work on the Interweb. The textures help set the atmosphere.

The map looks very nice using the recent bumpy clients, I'm very pleased with the ghostly green glow around the lights.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels, and the geometry CANNOT be changed in any way. If you
wish to recreate this level for another game or mod, please
inform me by e-mail, just so I know it's out there in other
forms, and I might even help. Please retain this text file if you do.

This .pk3 may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS
systems(like these exist anymore) as long as the ORIGINAL(this)
text file is included in the .zip file.

You may NOT distribute this map/.pk3/.bsp file commercially
without my expressed WRITTEN permission. If you wish to include
this in a compilation of some form, have your people contact my
people and they'll talk, or just send me an e-mail and we'll talk.

PS. Not certain where this template read me came from but it contained enough humour to make me want to "borrow" it.

Arena file

map "ut4_evil_circus_rc2"

longname "Evil Circus - Red sky at night"

type "ut_ffa ut_team ut_survivor ut_ctf ut_bomb"


File structure

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    ↳ circus/elephant.wav
    ↳ circus/toilet_drip.wav
    ↳ circus/monster.wav
    ↳ circus/wind1.wav
    ↳ circus/train1.wav
    ↳ circus/cookingvat.wav
    ↳ circus/pinball.wav
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    ↳ circus/mtcthanks.tga
    ↳ circus/volvo.tga
    ↳ circus/redrubber.tga

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