* Urban Terror Level *
Title : Derelict (beta 5)
Author : Steven "Delirium" Krzanich
Date Released : 31-05-2020
Contact : ************@*****.com
* Level Description *
This is an old project of mine which started some time in 2011-2012.
I stopped, then started working on it again in 2014-2015, only to stop before it
could be released. Then started again last year in 2019, to completely redo 95%
of the map to have it finally finished.
The map has changed so much over the years with so many different variations
and you my good friend has stayed with the community for long enough to find
out how this project turned out..
The original theme was a derelict and abandonded industrial area, it was
designed as a night time map, though the theme changed recently in 2019.
Most of the abandoned theme has been lost, though in a way this project
was abandoned and so I felt the name Derelict was still a suitible fit.
It's a shame the Urban Terror community is dead now. So many servers, players
maps and memories have been shared over the years. When there would be 3000+
servers online and you'd have to wait for a slot to be free on a server.
Now, you're lucky to find anyone online under 200 ping (for me in New Zealand
at least).
But with this negativity aside, I hope you are able to enjoy one last tribute
from me, to the game I've treasured most.
Bot Compatibility : Yes
Suggested player load : 6-12
Free For All(0) : Yes (13 spawns)
Last Man Standing(1) : Yes
Team Deathmatch(3) : Yes
Team Survivor(4) : Yes (supports 10v10 max) - The layout was designed for this gametype
Capture and Hold(5) : Yes
Follow the leader(6) : Yes
Capture the flag(7) : Yes
Bomb(8) : Yes
Jump Gametype(9) : Yes
New Gametype(10) : Yes
New Gametype(11) : Yes
New Gametype(12) : Yes
* Construction *
Compile Switches : BSP -threads 16 -meta -patchmeta -samplesize 8 -v
: VIS -threads 16 -vis -hint -merge -saveprt -v
: LIGHT -threads 16 -light -radbump -bounce 18 -exposure 220 -shade -patchshadows -pointscale 1.0 -samplesize 8 -samples 2 -v
: BSPC -bsp2aas -threads 16 -forcesidesvisible -noliquids -optimise
Compile time : BSP 5 seconds
: VIS 45 seconds
: LIGHT 147 minutes
: BSPC 56 seconds
Editor used : GTKRadiant 1.4
Compile machine : Intel i9-9900k @ 3.6GHz, 16GB DDR4
* OTHER LEVELS BY Delirium *
Christmas (DEC2008)
Barsketbrawl (JAN2009)
Barn (AUG2009)
Tohunga (OCT2009)
Facade (MAR2010)
Cambridge (JUL2011)
Oaks (NOV2011)
Derelict (MAR2020)
Clinic (MAY2020)
Tohunga2 (MAY2020)
Tohunga2_2v2 (MAY2020)
BlackRayne : Heaps of models, MIA since 2010 :,(
ValkoVer: : Heaps of models, good friend, MIA since 2014 (miss you Valk)
$NulL : Good ol mate NulL, top bloke - models, textures and knowledge
Shans : Testing + feedback
Blake : Testing
Zmb : Testing + feedback
b00bs clan : Testing ( . )( . )
Biddle : Testing, feedback + for hosting this map in competitions
Hyperz : For hosting this map on
Shout out to Custom Map Makers - long forgotten mapping community, we were
a nice family back in the day.
Missing the yarns with all my fellow mappers ~
JohnnyEnglish, ValkoVer, v3ndetta, Rayne, Krasus, NulL, MajkiFajki, Rylius,
xandaxs, JustMe, Nstar, banksy, nemNEMnem, sk8ordie, Nitro, KroniK, Mr.Yeah!,
JRandomNoob, DagF, Picola, Keres, Sneaks, Skippy, rfx, Yas, Sod, V00d00, Hugo,
HappyDay, Muffie, KhaotiK-Lord, Clatoo, Pretsell, Skaz, Swiiitan, Drezil,
H0i, slackin, Wily Duck, Dragonne, Markinho, gsigms, PapyRuny, Dougy & vulture
Shout out to all my old UrT friends over the years - far too many to name.
Shout out to anyone who has enjoyed any of my previous maps, it's been a
pleasure to inspire other mappers and create fun maps for many to enjoy.
Shout out to YOU for reading this, I don't know if anyone ever will sadly...
Anyone else I forgot :)
Eat your hearts out, It's a free world baby! Feel free to reuse this map however
you please.
For any game, any UrT version - if you are reading this you have my written
permission to do so.
I've included the .map file in the .pk3, along with all(hopefully) models that
I used in the map.
Please contact me if you ever use this :) I'll be stoked to see it what ever
comes from it.
I will also state, that any of my previous maps are also free to use for all.
This supersedes any previous readme.txt file or any other previous statements
made by Delirium(me). All of previous my maps are free to for all to use.
Contact me if you require any source files - ************@*****.com